Our ladies handbags are created with genuine leather. We use buffalo, cowhide or alligator leathers or a combination of leathers.
We tan all of our own gator hides to obtain a very unique appearance. We actually tan in a very special way that enables us to create leather that has the exact coloring of the alligator. Tanning in tree bark is a very natural way to tan and gives you a rich brown color. The brown color can vary depending on how long it was exposed to the bark. We have also found an unusual, natural way to obtain a blackish color. There is an interesting reaction that occurs when hides from the bark tan are exposed to rusty metal. The hide turns almost completely black ! So we are able to create an almost black hide without using any chemical dyes. All the handbags you see have been created specifically to suite each customers needs. All items you see are examples of what we have done and have already been sold.